

Take these steps to obtain a degree or certificate

Students should contact their Student Success Coach to determine their eligibility to graduate.

Current Student 毕业 Process

TSC将自动授予完成要求的学生学位, without them having to apply for graduation.

  • 每学期, Advisors run a degree audit for each student who qualifies for graduation, based on total credits earned.
  • 学生导师将发送电子邮件确认提交毕业记录.
  • After the record is audited, 学生将太阳城赌场通过一封电子邮件收到通知,表明以下状态之一:
Official 学位 Audit 状态es
状态 解释
All Requirements Met You have completed all the requirements necessary to graduate
Pending Requirements 完成当前的注册后,您将完成毕业的所有要求.
Not all requirements have been met You must complete additional courses in order to graduate.


学位 & College requirements

To be awarded an Associate 学位 or Certificate, students must:

  • 完成特定学位或证书的所有必修课程和学期学分
  • Achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.在TSC完成的所有课程(不包括发展性课程)中获得0分
  • 提交在其他学院和大学的所有课程的正式成绩单
  • 在应用科学副学士学位或证书课程中,所有技术课程的要求都达到“C”或以上
  • 在TSC实习期间至少完成学位毕业所需学时的25%
  • Fulfill all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements
  • 在获得学位的学期结束时,要有良好的学术成绩.


At the time of graduation, 获得副学士学位的学生将以适当的荣誉毕业,以表彰其持续的学术卓越. 荣誉是基于学生在完成所有非发展性本科学时的累积平均成绩. If courses have been repeated, 最后记录的成绩将用于确定平均绩点.

荣誉 are as follows:

  • Summa cum laude: 3.900-4.000
  • Magna cum laude: 3.700-3.899
  • 优等生:3名.500-3.699
Congratulations Scorpions! We are proud of you, and remember that we are Scorpion Strong together!

Receive your associate degree after you transfer!

在德克萨斯西南学院毕业之前转到大学的学生仍然可以太阳城赌场通过反向转学获得副学士学位. 这个过程认可学生的成就,并奖励他们所获得的重要证书. 这是一个自动系统,适用于转到德州大多数大学的学生.


  • Give your university consent to release your transcript to TSC. This is an option on the Apply Texas Admission Application, 所有公立大学和一些私立大学都使用哪一种. (如果你不确定你是否同意或者你是否已经获得学士学位, contact your university registrar’s office.)
  • At the end of each semester, 大学会自动向TSC发送一份可能有资格获得副学士学位的学生名单,并批准分享他们的成绩单.
  • TSC评估这些学生的成绩单,并通知他们是否获得了副学士学位.



  • You earned at least 30 credits from TSC
  • You transferred from TSC to a four-year college or university
  • 至少修满60个学分,包括在大学完成的课程

Ready for reverse transfer now?

除了自动化流程外,学生还可以随时要求反向转学学位审核. Follow these steps:

  • Ask your university’s registrar to send a transcript to TSC
  • Apply for reverse transfer using the TSC graduation application
  • TSC会通知你是否有资格获得副学士学位,或者你是否需要满足额外的要求

Receive your diploma or certificate

毕业典礼后,招生和记录部将太阳城赌场app下载提供毕业证书. Graduates will receive notice via email with instructions for pickup.


Allow four weeks to process official degrees and certificates.


Order a replacement diploma

付款必须在位于奥利维拉学生服务大楼的TSC收银员处进行. A replacement or duplicate diploma costs $25.00.

Allow four weeks to process official degrees and certificates.

Diplomas may not be released if there is a hold on students’ TSC records.

Attend commencement

正式的毕业典礼在秋季和春季学期结束时举行. Students who graduate in the summer may attend the fall ceremony. 被确定符合毕业资格的学生将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含填写候选人信息卡的链接.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it true I don’t have to apply for graduation?
  • 是的, TSC将自动授予完成要求而无需申请的学生学位. 学生成功教练每学期都会根据获得的总学分对每个有资格毕业的学生进行学位审核. 指导老师会给学生发一封电子邮件,确认他们提交的毕业记录. Students should review the degree audit with advisors, if they have any questions about the requirements.
  • What is a Candidate Information Card?
    一旦您的记录被审查,您将收到一封包含我们调查结果的电子邮件.  在那封邮件里, 你会收到一个链接,在那里你可以表明你是否想参加毕业典礼, the name you want displayed on your diploma, and delivery method for the diploma.
  • I received an email that my record was submitted for graduation. When will I know if I’m eligible?
    毕业办公室每学期都会审查毕业候选人的记录.  Depending on the number of applicants for that semester, it may be a couple of weeks before you receive a graduation status email.
  • I have made changes to my courses for the semester (dropped and/or added); will this affect my graduation status?
    是的, 取决于进行更改的时间以及删除或添加哪些类, your graduation status could change. If you are in doubt, 请与战略招生办公室确认哪些课程已被审查为您的毕业资格.
  • Is there a graduation ceremony?
    是的,TSC在秋季和春季学期结束时有一个毕业典礼. Please check the 毕业典礼 webpage for more information. Participation does not indicate you will receive a degree.
  • Can I participate in the ceremony?
    TSC has a graduation ceremony at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Summer graduates are invited to attend the fall graduation ceremony. 如果您计划参加毕业典礼,请在您的考生信息卡上注明.
  • I don’t plan to attend the ceremony. Can I still receive a diploma?
    是的, you can indicate this on your Candidate Information Card.
  • Will my name be included in the graduation program?
    即将在各自学期毕业的秋季和春季毕业生,如果他们在截止日期前毕业,他们的名字将被列入该计划. All students who graduated in the summer will be listed in the fall program. 递交候选人资料卡的截止日期一般为典礼前两星期.
  • How many guests can I invite?  Are tickets issued?
    We do not issue tickets or reserve seats. 你想邀请多少客人就邀请多少,但是座位有限.
  • What should I wear to the ceremony?
    The ceremony is a distinguished event.  Please dress tastefully.  Keep in mind – the robe is knee-to-shin length. Slacks or knee-length skirts are appropriate. You may be standing for an hour or longer. Please wear comfortable shoes.
  • How long does the ceremony last?
    The ceremony typically lasts 1.5个小时.